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請留意,由202478(「生效日」)起,本行《賬戶持有人條款》(下稱“條款”)將作出修, 主要要點如下:


· 針對本行向閣下提供通訊方式作出補充說明。

· 針對從香港警務處收到的資訊 (如有) 向閣下發出風險警告之細則作出補充說明。



登入網站後先選擇「個人銀行」> 「常用下載」> 「產品資訊」>「條款細則」





如閣下有任何疑問,請致電本行客服熱線(國內)95568 / (香港)852-25195568查詢。

















These General Terms and Conditions apply, to the extent they are applicable, to all accounts with, and all facilities and services provided by, China Minsheng Banking Corp., Ltd., Hong Kong Branch (referred to as "we", "us", "our", and the “Bank”).  If there is inconsistency, the provisions for a particular service will prevail over general provisions. China Minsheng Banking Corp., Ltd., is a licensed bank under the Banking Ordinance and a registered institution under the Securities and Futures Ordinance, CE Number AUD728.  Please read and understand them, particularly Clauses 4 (Password), 10 (Limit of our liability), 11 (Your indemnity) and 12 (Set-off and lien) of Section A below.




章節 A.   一般情況

20.15 在不影響其他通訊方式的情況下,在本公司於香港的銀行大堂或在本公司的網站上張貼的或發送到本公司記錄中閣下的最新地址、電郵地址或傳真/電話號碼的任何通訊,如以在本公司的銀行大堂或在本公司的網站上張貼或留交上述地址,則視作閣下收到,或如以數碼或電子渠道(包括但不限於電郵、應用程式推送通知或手機短訊等)電郵或傳真作出 ,則視作閣下於發件時收到,如以郵寄方式作出,則視作閣下在寄出後2天收到,如寄往海外地址,則視作閣下在寄出後7天收到,即使退件亦然,及即使收件人身故或失去能力亦然。本公司在閣下的電話錄音系統中留下的任何口訊(不論閣下實際上是否有收聽該口訊),將視作閣下在本公司留下口訊時收到。任何與本公司的通訊,只在本公司實際上收到後方才生效。

Section A. GENERAL

20.15 Without affecting other methods of communications, any communication to you posted in our banking halls in Hong Kong or on our website, or sent to your latest address, email address or ,facsimile or telephone number on our record is deemed to be received by you, when posted in our banking halls or on our website or left at such address, or on despatch if sent by email or facsimilevia digital media /  channels or electronic channels (including but not limited to e-mail, push notification or SMS message, etc.) , or 2 days after posting or 7 days if posted to an overseas address, notwithstanding its return through the post, and notwithstanding the death or incapacity of the addressee. Any voice message left by us on your telephone recording system (whether or not actually retrieved by you) is deemed to be received by you when left. Any communication to us is effective only when actually received by us.



章節 H.   警示與轉賬交易

1. 此等條款適用於以下第2條定義的警示與轉帳交易。若此等條款跟其他條款及細則出現不一致,則就警示與轉帳交易而言,均以此等條款為準。閣下在此等條款生效日期當日或之後作出任何轉帳交易,即閣下確認閣下已接受此等條款並會受此等條款約束。


2. 在此等條款中:




「轉帳交易」指閣下透過本公司並使用任何本公司不時決定的渠道或方式或貨幣進行的資金轉移 (包括但不限於下列一個或多個渠道或方式:電子銀行服務、電子錢包、流動理財服務、自動櫃員機、現金存款機,或於本公司任何分行的櫃位),不論收款人戶口是否在本公司開立;如文義要求或允許,包括閣下向本公司發出進行轉帳交易的指示。




3. 警示旨在幫助閣下在作出轉帳交易時保持警覺提防欺詐、詐騙及欺騙。閣下不應把警示當作替代閣下保障自身的利益、資金及資產免受欺詐或其他非法活動損害的責任。




4. 本公司:

(a) 無法控製防詐資料庫的管理、運作或其他方面;

(b) 單靠防詐資料庫不時提供的資料來編製警示;及

(c) 不會就防詐資料庫並無提供資料的收款人、收款人戶口或交易編製警示。




5. 本公司可按其認為適當的方式編製及傳送警示。本公司可不時考慮本公司的需要以及相關人士就警示的編製及傳送不時給予的反饋、意見、指引或建議,完全酌情決定及/或更改警示的內容、傳送警示的渠道或方式,及/或轉帳交易的貨幣(等),而無須另行通知閣下。相關人士可包括但不限於香港的執法機關或其他政府機構、監管機構或行業公會。本公司可透過電子或其他方式向閣下傳送警示。  


6. 本公司無須負責閣下或任何其他人士因任何防詐資料庫提供或未有提供任何資料,或因其延誤、無法使用、中斷、故障或錯誤而可能引致或蒙受的任何種類的損失、損害或開支,或本公司可合理控製以外的情況而可能引致或蒙受的任何種類的損失、損害或開支。 


7. 本公司無須負責閣下或任何其他人士有關或因警示(或其延誤或無法傳送),或有關或因處理、執行或取消警示(或因其延誤或無法傳送)所涉的轉帳交易,而可能引致或蒙受的任何種類的損失、損害或開支,除非任何上述損失、損害或開支屬直接及可合理預見並直接且完全由於本公司或本公司人員、僱員或代理的嚴重疏忽或故意失責引致。



8. 在任何情況下,就任何收益損失或任何特別、間接、附帶、相應而生或懲罰性損失或損害賠償(不論是否可預見或可能招致),本公司、本公司的關聯公司或集團公司、本公司的特許人、及上述彼等各自的人員、僱員或代理均無須向閣下或任何其他人士負責。


9. 此等條款的內容均無意排除或限製任何不能合法地排除或限製的權利或責任。




10. 閣下有責任採取合理可行的步驟以保障閣下自身的利益、資金及資產免受欺詐或其他非法活動的損害。閣下每次均有責任查證及確保收款人、收款人戶口、交易及交易詳情實屬真確並可靠。閣下應認真考慮是否進行或取消一項警示所涉的轉帳交易。閣下就進行或取消一項警示所涉的轉帳交易的決定均對閣下具約束力,且閣下應為後果負全責。 


H. Alerts and Money Transfers

1. These Clauses apply to the Alerts and the Money Transfers as defined in Clause 2 below. If there is any inconsistency between these Clauses and the other terms and conditions, these Clauses will prevail insofar as the Alerts and Money Transfers are concerned. By making any Money Transfer on or after the date on which these Clauses come in effect, you confirm that you have accepted and will be bound by these Clauses.


2. In these Clauses:


Alert” means a warning message that a Money Transfer or the relevant payee or payee account may involve fraud or scam.

Anti-fraud Database” includes any anti-fraud search engine and/or anti-deception database (including but not limited to Scameter) operated or managed by the Hong Kong Police Force or any other law enforcement agency or governmental body or regulatory authority of Hong Kong, whether it is accessible by the public in general or by designated entities or organisations.

Hong Kong” means the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.

Money Transfer” means a transfer of money by you through the Bank via any channel or means or in any currency determined by   the Bank from time to time including but not limited to one or more of electronic banking, e-wallet, mobile banking, automated teller machine, cash deposit machine, and bank counter at any branch of the Bank,  whether the payee account is maintained with the Bank or not; and if the context requires or permits, includes an instruction given by you to the Bank to make a Money Transfer.


Reason for sending Alerts


3. The Alerts are intended to help you stay vigilant against frauds, scams and deceptions when making Money Transfers. You shall not take the Alerts as replacing your responsibility for safeguarding your own interests, money and assets from fraud or other illegal activities.   

The Bank’s role, responsibilities and restriction of liability


4. The Bank:

(a) does not control the management , operation or any other aspect of the Anti-fraud Databases;

(b) compiles the Alerts solely based on the information available from the Anti-fraud Databases from time to time; and

(c) would not compile any Alert relating to a payee, a payee account or a transaction if no information about it is available from the Anti-fraud Databases.   

Therefore, the Bank does not and cannot warrant whether the information available from any Anti-fraud Database is complete , true, accurate and up-to-date, and that the Money  Transfers for which you do not receive Alerts are not fraudulent nor that Money Transfers for which you receive Alerts are fraudulent. The Bank’s records of its delivery of any Alert to you and any response from you whether to proceed or cancel any Money Transfer shall have conclusive effect save for manifest error.  


5. The Bank may compile and deliver the Alerts in such ways as it considers appropriate. The Bank shall have sole discretion to determine and/or vary, from time to time and without further notice to you, the contents of the Alerts, the channels or means through which the Alerts are delivered, and/or the currency(ies) of the Money Transfers, having regard to the Bank’s needs and the feedback, comments, guidance or recommendations from the relevant persons .  Relevant persons may include but not limited to law enforcement agencies or other governmental bodies, or regulatory authorities or industry associations of Hong Kong. The Bank may deliver the Alerts to you by electronic or other means.


6.  The Bank is not liable for loss, damage or expense of any kind which you or any other person may incur or suffer arising from any information available or omitted from any Anti-fraud Database, or any delay, unavailability, disruption, failure, error of or caused by any Anti-fraud Database , or arising from any circumstances beyond the Bank’s reasonable control.


7. The Bank is not liable for loss, damage or expense of any kind which you or any other person may incur or suffer arising from or in connection with the Alerts (or any delay or unavailability of the Alerts) , or the processing, execution or cancellation  of Money Transfers affected by the Alerts (or by any delay or unavailability of the Alerts) , except to the extent that any loss, damage or expense incurred or suffered is direct and reasonably foreseeable, and arising directly and solely from the Bank’s gross negligence or wilful default or that of its officers, employees or agents.


8. In no event will the Bank, its affiliates or group companies, its licensors, and its and their respective officers, employees and agents be liable to you or any other person for any loss of profit or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive loss or damages (whether or not they were foreseeable or likely to occur).


9. Nothing in these Clauses is intended to exclude or restrict any right or liability to the extent of which it may not be lawfully excluded or restricted.


Your responsibilities


10. You are responsible for taking reasonably practicable steps to safeguard your own interests, money and assets from fraud or other illegal activities. You are responsible to check and ensure that the payee, the payee account,  the transaction and the transaction details are real and trustworthy in each case. You should consider carefully whether to proceed with or cancel a Money Transfer affected by an Alert. Your decision to proceed with or cancel a Money Transfer affected by an Alert is binding on you and you shall be solely responsible for the consequences.



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